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Our goal is to kick poverty out of northern Uganda and everything we do is driven by the communities we support. 


We do this through Farming, Education and Skills Training.


We support nursery schools, farming projects and developing the skills of young people who missed their education because of the war or poverty.

In times of crisis, we provide emergency food and other funds to help the most vulnerable get medical treatment and pay school fees

Our Impact

We always look for people in the most need and this is Nighty. When we met Nighty in 2014, she was in trouble. She was unable to feed her family and her children were eating grass and insects to survive. She had no possessions other than one saucepan and a seven litre jerry can.  She scattered straw on the floor and slept with her children and chickens, covered by rags for blankets.

With a little money and big encouragement, Nighty has transformed her life. She now has her own bedroom, a bed and a mosquito net to protect her from malaria. Her children now go to school and Nighty earns monty with her goats and chickens.

Her transformation is inspirational and drives us to continue to help as many other Nighties as we can.

You can find out more about Nighty and the group she started here


From sending farmers for residential training courses, advancing seeds and buying the crops from the farmers to support food security we support farming families and communities move from subsistence farming to farming as a business.

We contribute to the running of six nursery schools. 


Our monthly contribution helps pay teachers' salaries and provide every child with a cup of hot porridge.

We have built two nursery schools, one in Parabongo, near Gulu and one in Putuke, near Kitgum.

We have a sponsorship programme where 15 children are sponsored to go to boarding school.  Find out more here.

We also pay school fees for vulnerable children who are turned away from school because they can't afford the parent contribution to their education (PTA).

Seeds for Development tailoring

A whole generation missed out on an education because of the war.

We support local projects to teach the young adults new skills, such as sewing, carpentry and speaking English.

Let's Speak English is a wonderful project where young and old together learned to speak English.  This gave them confidence and real empowerment.

Skills Training
SfD Esri Survey123

We are really excited to embrace technology to help plan, manage and monitor our projects.  We use Esri software to map where the vulnerable people are and also where the different crops are being grown. To do this we have paid for smart phones for the key people on the ground and installed a survey app, which they now use to send  the locations of different crops.  They also send through photos and locations of the vulnerable people who receive food.

Esri Dashboard
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